Supply Chain Operator

Xiamen C&D Inc. Stock code: 600153.SH

Supply Chain Operator

Stock code: 600153.SH

Client: LINDE
Date: 2020-01-17 | Source:C&D
Facing the multitude non-standard SKUs, stringent timeliness requirements, C&D Logistics keeps optimizing warehouse location, layout and operating procedures, helping Linde establish a component center in the Asia-pacific region.
Linde Forklift is a subsidiary of Linde Group, one of the Fortune Global 500 companies. It is the No. 1 brand in the international logistics and handling industry. In order to offer more efficient and convenient services to customers, Linde needs to establish a component center in the Asia-pacific region.
This project faces great challenges in supply chain logistics services. 
Firstly, it has 50,000+ SKUs alone, ranging from forklift frame to washer and screw. Most of these components are non-standard. Linde Forklift has very high requirements on intensive inventory management, and they require an inventory accuracy of 100%. Secondly, the transportation includes sea transport, air transport, domestic dispatching and diversified other means, and timeliness is a very strict requirement.
All these requirements constitute enormous challenges to the operating capacity of the logistics service partner.
During the partnership, facing the multitude non-standard SKUs, C&D Logistics kept optimizing and expanding our warehouse location and layout, and increased the storage capacity of each unit area. Without adding the storage area, C&D Logistics managed to increase the number of SKUs from 4,000 to 16,000 by 400%, and there is still room for further improvement. 
Facing such stringent timeliness requirements, C&D Logistics continuously worked to optimize its operating procedures, and managed to reduce the Customs clearance time from 4 days to 3 days, reduce the process of inbound cargo tallying by 1 stage, and the process of outbound cargo tallying by 2 stages, reduce the number of outbound cargo operators from 9 to 6, and increase the operational efficiency by over 100%. While increasing timeliness, it also helped to reduce the project costs.
Through customized supply chain solutions, C&D Logistics provided added-value services to Linde. Its outstanding performances have made C&D Logistics a reliable strategic partner of Linde. 

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